Saturday July 4, 2009 was my 1st birthday, so Mommy is letting me tell you guys all about it!
The best part of it all was the fact that we were up a the cottage! YAHOO!!! It's only the second time I've gone in my entire life and I love it there. I get to run around free, go swimming, go for walks in the woods, did I mention go swimming, play etc., etc. etc.....
After breakfast we went to the pond for a swim. Mommy threw sticks in and I fetched them. She said I did real good. Last time we were here, I was too afraid to even try swimming, but this time I loved it.
While we were at the pond, Daddy drove up on the quad and we went for a ride up the Old Road(they rode, I followed). They kept stopping and waiting for me, cause I wanted to check out all the interesting smells.
When we got back to the cottage, Mommy gave me a BIGGEST, BESTEST bone ever to chew on. It was the yummiest!!

I chewed and chewed and chewed, then I got tired of chewing, but I didn't want anyone else to get MY bone, so I searched and searched for a great place to hide it. I finally found the perfect spot and buried it under a tree in the bushes. Nobody will ever find it there, I'm sure of it!
Then my new friend Cerbrus came over and we all went for a great, big long walk in the woods.

(This is Cerbrus)
We found so many neat things on our adverture! There was a turtle(I didn't actualy see it, Mommy said I walked right over it, but at least I didn't step on it!).

We checked out the tree stands. Daddy has bunches and bunches of them set up in the bush for deer hunting. I wish I could climb up there!

And speaking of deer, check out this hole they made in the ground. Daddy puts a salt lick here for them every year and over the past 20 years, they've created this great, big hole in the ground! The holes I dig never get this big, but that's because Mommy keeps filling them in. I had to climb down in it and sniff around to see why it was so special. It smelled really different.

Daddy wanted to show us all a rock he found the last time he was in the woods. He was looking everywhere for it, but we found it before him! He says its like a giant jigsaw puzzle and the pieces all fit together. Why would anybody want a rock? You can't eat a rock, I know cause I tried :)

I found lots of sticks on our walk. Too many to choose from, but some were just too big for me to carry :)

Then we got to the bridges! There were a couple of them, that we had to walk over. I wasn't sure I wanted too, but Cerbrus went right across, so I figured I had to "pretend" to be a big boy now and go across too. Mommy was very proud of me, and it wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be.

Then we saw a frog! Well, at least Mommy did, I was running around having too much fun and ran right by it! There are just too many things to see and no time to see them all!

We stopped at the pond and went swimming again. Even Daddy and Danny went swimming this time. They didn't fetch sticks like I did though. Don't know3 why, it's the best part of swimming!

We stopped back at the cottage so I could eat my me supper then, we were off again. Mommy and Daddy ate supper over a Cerbrus's house. I got to steal some of Cerbrus's food, then Mommy made me stop. I snuck back over to it again, but by then, there were only a few crumbs left. After supper Mommy and Daddy and their friends were going to play croquet, but I kept taking the ball. I'm sure they were throwing it for me, why else would it be rolling around on the ground? Finally they gave up and played soccer with me instead. Afterall, it's my birthday, everything should be about me, right?

After our soccer game, we had a fire and Mommy took this picture of the sunset. I'm not sure why, who cares if the sun is setting?

What a fabulous birthday! What a fabulous weekend! Now I'm going to sleep for a week(or at least an hour or two :)