This post is an update to the last post about supplements for Zanara's hip dysplasia. I went to my nearest Global Pet Foods (Kim's Store, what a wonderful lady :) and tried to find the Hylaflex I mentioned in the last post. She didn't carry that brand, but she did have a product called HYALcare. It contains hylauronic acid, as well as Boswellis, Herring oil, Glucoation Hydrochloride, L-Glutamine, MSM and Shark cartilage. I wasn't sure about buying a product with so many things in it, but I discussed it with Kim and she called someone who had used it with fabulous results, so I thought, what the heck. Let's go for it. Boy am I ever thrilled I did!

After only 3 weeks Zanara was running, smiling and chasing the kids. I don't remember the last time she did that. Probabely a couple of years ago! We went up to the cottage last weekend, she ran after the frisbee, caught a frog (spit it right back out) and swam all weekend.

She was definitely stiff on sunday morning, but after going for a bit of a stroll she was ready for action again. I would recommend this product to anyone (and I do) who's dog has arthritis. It is a life saver for our new "puppy" girl :)

We will have to remember that product! Sammish is getting on in years himself, and we want his remaning years to be happy!
wow, I really like the photos! it seems that they have a good bonding time together! :) so happy to see them both. ^_^
Dog Fence
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