In Chinese astrology 2011 is the
year of the Rabbit. I read the motto is: "Let there be peace -- and let it begin with me". Last year was the year of the Tiger. It was supposedly a year of "roller coaster ups and downs." I think, around here at least, the year of the Tiger decided to hang on for a bit so that we would appreciate the calmness to follow. Hopefully that will happen soon!
One major thing I have learned so far this year is cat's claws and dogs eyes are a bad combination.
On January 5 our little Jewels was accidently scratched in the eye by one of the cats she lives with. She was rushed off to the emergency clinic in the area. Unfortunately, our local emergency clinic is not set up to handle eye emergencies. They weren't much help at all, except to recommend that Jewels be taken to see
Dr Michael Zigler in Oakville. He was able to sew her iris back on and send her home with lots of eye drops and meds to be taken in hopes of saving her eye. We went back the following week for a checkup and then again 2 weeks after that. She was able to cut back the 4x a day eye drops to 3x and some even only twice a day. He was cautiously optimistic that she would regain some of her sight and keep her eye. Yeah she was on the road to recovery!

Well, things didn't work out quite the way we had hoped :( On Sunday February 13 we went for a lovely walk, then a bit of a nap (for the dogs) and some treats. Suddenly I heard a squeal from upstairs. Jewels came running downstairs very upset with liquid running down her face! Back to the emergency clinic (who were once again no help), then back to see
Dr Zigler.. After a 2 days of tests he discovered a stitch had come out and her retina had detached. There was no way to save her eye. He did an
enucleation of her eye on the Tuesday and we were able to pick her up on Wednesday. She had just been able to take her cone off once in a while, but now she was back in it for the next two weeks.

After lots of rest, relaxation, hugs, kisses and treats, she is healing wonderfully and looking fabulous. She does have cataracts in the remaining eye so can only see shadows. It does seem to cause her some stress especially at night and when a certain golden retriever starts bouncing around. So she will be having cataract surgery on her remaining eye (they did lots of tests to determine it was a perfect candidate for surgery). She has her
cataract surgery. scheduled for March 22 and then she'll be done. Then maybe the rabbit part of the year will finally begin and fill the rest of her year with PEACE and CALM.