This morning was the annual walkathon for the Humane Society of Durham Region. The sun was out (yah!) and it was nice and cool(no bugs). The walk is held at a conservation area, so it's really quite a nice 5 km trek. There was a fabulous turn out. I've never seen so many people there. This is the first time Oak has ever gone, so he was really excited! There were people and dogs everywhere, for him to meet. Even Mary was there! Mary is his favourite person in the whole world. Mary is my secretary and Oak just loves her.

Then Lite showed up and he got to play with him.

Then we started the walk. There were stations along the route where they passed out treats and water. He got to run around in the mud and the swamp. Then to top it all off he got to play in the river at the end.

Better still there were barbequed hot dogs afterwards. Unfortunately for Oak, they were for the people :) But that didn't stop him from trying!

There's one tired puppy sleeping upstairs in the hallway. I bet he's already looking forward to next year. :)